
2015. október 11., vasárnap

Playing - Játszadozom

As I found the balance on my latest motif, I play with it a little bit.
The first step was to find a nice end. I made it now in two colors, so the symmetry and the two different end are very well visible. 
I prefer the blue one. What do you think? Oh, and I didn't find any good name for this motif. Any idea?

A legutóbbi mintámat most két színben készítettem el, így nagyon jól láthatóvá vált a szimmetria és a két különböző végződés. Nekem a kék tetszik jobban, simább, és a mérete is jobban illeszkedik a minta egészéhez. Mit gondoltok?

Yesterday we went to my parent's weekend house. It is in Zala county, on a really gorgeous and calm "vine hill". They call this place a vine hill, but there is no too many vineyards  any more. It is just a pretty good place to move from the crowd, and enjoy the nature. It is the season of harvests. We gathered approximately 20 kg of chestnuts, from this big tree ( 6m tall). I was 11 when my father planted this tree, so 35 years ago.

A hétvégén Zalában jártunk, a családi "birtokon". Csodás csendes hely, az elvonuláshoz és alkotáshoz hihetetlenül alkalmas.
Erről a 35 éves szelídgesztenye fáról kb. 20 kg gesztenyét gyűjtöttünk. És még maradt rajta jócskán! Kezdhetem a gesztenye főzést:)

8 megjegyzés:

  1. Looks really good in two colours!!

  2. Your pattern is so pretty! I really like the blue, probably because blue is my favorite color. I have no ideas for a name. I hope you find one you like!

  3. Gorgeous pattern , colours, and tatting !
    Venturing a few titles, based on how I see it ... 'Elegant Peaks edging' , ' Hearts Entwined' (seen from a distance, one can make out heart shapes), "Teardrop edging" ( the thrown rings seem to be like tear drops ready to fall).

  4. SO very pretty. Love it in any colour(s). : )

  5. This is very beautiful, how about for a name "Josephine's Dream" or "Reflections" when and where will we find your Pattern? and will you try to go around a corner?

    1. Thanks for the nice ideas:)
      Yes the next few steps will be the corner and a snowflake:)

  6. Lovely design and I think reflections would be a good name,
